
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dancer`s life

''Dancer`s life is full of paradise, but you wont realized when the time you are too old..''

A quite gloomy quote from my coursemate, he is 36 years old, with the background in classical Indian Dance - Barathanatyam.When the first time i saw him in the audition of UM July 2008, i was shock with his steps and eyes, and even now, it is so sparkling , but of course it is a need to be sparkling in the Barathanatyam..

Today Hamid chan ( Lecturer/ tutor of malay folk dance) spoke with us after Zapin 9 pantun when we were full of sweat , what we want to be? what is going to be your thesis ? I have no answer for it, i admit i am kinda passive in thinking all about that, I JUST DONT KNOW! T.T

After Marion D' cruz (omg i miss her badly)and Prof Anis, who is going to lead the performing arts in malaysia ? they asked. yea.. who is going to lead??? why they trainned so many dancer, researcher, and come out with the result no one can take over in case they are gone..

Now luckily we still have Teacher Poh gee to handle the Labanotation and etc, but once he told me he was tired.. after prima come back, he wont be at UM anymore..

then, UM left who...

the moral of the story is.. we have to do something other then dance, explore something that Malaysia dont have.. such a long way to go..

NOw i am able to do the grand jete, sissone, pirouette kind of moment and etc.. but when i am 40 years old? what can i do ? Teacher Poh gee hold a list, that Malaysia dancer which dance in oversea, now is running out business, or doing anything but not dance, why? because they dont have the education, people just simply look down them..

yea, i know Somebody is just laughing me at behind, stupid people only go to dance.. but do they realise , we point until bleeding, run until faint, jump until fall down, practise until mid of the night, doing research that nobody had done before.. we have to pay 100% or more then 200 % effort in order to get ourself well-trained.. what for doing all these?? because 'angin'

well, just realized i left only 3 semester.. miss the lecturer that put so many many many effort on us..

anyway, why my eyes is getting smaller and smaller nowadays T.T


lindley said...
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lindley said...

well..nobody would tease u or laugh u at ur back..just carry on with ur dream..i believe it will owaz make u shine.. =)

ps: ur eyes memang small..dont push the responsibility to other factor..need i borrow u my toothpicks to get ur eyes bigger than b4???haha..

xuanxuan said...

hehe.. i mean some ppl in um.. they tot ppl who took performing art like me were just freak out and doing nothing

lol, recently smaller.. even make up my teacher n fren keeps laugh at me T.T

lindley said...

just ignore wat they have said..this is call outstanding..k?hehe..

lol..u should realised it early and receive the truth k?ur eyes not 'recenntly smaller' but memang small since ago..

xuanxuan said...

haha.. just tot tat im going to sem 3 and going to hand up my thesis proposal.. i think of nothing k.. really blur..what we called 前路茫茫

haha..i know ur eyes big big~~ nvm la~ im 小眼妹T.T

Shortdaily said...

Hai, i'm visit here again ^^
Em, sorry for my poor english, but i think that to maintain your dream take lot of courages. Quite envy those who can what they wanna do. Must jiayou o~

总有些奇遇,比方说当我遇见你 ^^